Thursday, July 25, 2013

Makeup Tips : 14 Different Types of Asian Eyes - Part 1

Hello people~! Today I would like to share in this post how to apply makeup on the different types of asian eyes. Of course the Asian eye is not limited to just these 14 types, but these are the most commonly seen ones.

I am still considering which types of my eyes..╮(╯▽╰)╭

Super General Guidelines for creating an Asian eye makeup look:
Step 1:
Apply light eyeshadow across the eyelid
Step 2:
Use a medium to dark eyeshadow shade on the contour area instead of the crease and blend in towards the inner corner of the eye, stopping at no more than 1/3 from the outer lid.
Step 3:
Sweep a lighter shadow on the brow bone and on the inner corner of the eye
Step 4:
Apply eyeliner on the lashline and waterline
Step 5:
Apply mascara on top and bottom lashes

However every eye type requires some tweaking to the Super General Guidelines – a little more contour or a little less, a thicker eyeliner or a thinner one, black eyeliner on the lower waterline or a white one.

So read on to find out the makeup tips for your eye type!

Chinese words translation: Ideal or Perfect Eyes

Definition: Evenly spaced almond-shaped eyes. Evenly spaced eyes means that the average space between two eyes is the width of an eye
Makeup Tips: While I don’t agree with calling them ‘perfect’ since everybody’s idea of the perfect eye is different, almond-shaped eyes are the most common type of eye. They are proportionately sized to the rest of the facial features and have a slight upward lift at the outer corner of the eyes to suggest a more youthful looking appearance. Almond-shaped eyes are very versatile to many kinds of makeup looks. So if you have them, dare to experiment with funky colors, deeper colors, different eyeshadow placements, and thicker eyeliner progressing outwards to intensify the eyes!

Chinese words translation: Close-set Eyes
Definition: Close-set eyes usually have less than an eye width space in between
Makeup Tips: To create the illusion of a wider gap between the eyes, keep more intense eyeshadow colors at the far corners of the eyes. Do not place dark eyeshadows more than 1/3 into the lids as that would make the eyes appear even nearer to one another. Apply more mascara on the outer corner of the eye to build volume outwards. You can also draw your eyebrows further apart to ‘pull’ the eyes away from each other.

Chinese words translation: Wide-set Eyes

Definition: Wide-set eyes usually have more than an eye width space in between
Makeup Tips: To visually bring the space between the eyes closer to one another, bring a darker eyeshadow color from the outer corner of the eye closer to the middle of the eyelid. You may use more intense eye shadow colors near the inner corner of the eyes. You can also draw your eyebrows closer to one another to make wide-set eyes appear closer together. Contouring your nose can also help in reducing the distance between the eyes.


Chinese words translation: Thin and Narrow Eyes
Definition: Much less of the white of the eye and pupil can be seen. Such thin-slit eyes are not uncommon in Asia.
Makeup Tips: For eyes that appear to be smaller than every other feature on the face, make the eyes appear bigger and rounder by applying light shadow on the lids and dark black eyeliner at the base of the eyelashes. Widen the thickness of the eyeliner while you transfer out towards the outer corners of the eyes. A little upward tick at the outside corner will add lift to the eyes. Apply white eyeliner on the bottom waterline to open the eyes. For small eyes, try to keep using dark eyeshadow colors to a minimum as they will just close up your eyes. Instead, work on creating lush lashes with double coats on both upper and lower eyelashes.

Chinese words translation: Round Eyes
Definition: Round eyes do not look perfectly round like marbles (LOL!), they just look rounder than almond-shaped eyes.  A lot of the pupil and white of the eye can be seen.
Makeup Tips: In Asia, manga-like round eyes are highly desired as they imply innocence and youth. Round and large eyes are highly sought after in Asia. Google: Ayumi Hamasaki. If you have round eyes and prefer to elongate them like into almond-shaped eyes, draw darker eyeliner beyond the outer corner of the eyes. Use a darker eyeshadow color to contour according to the shape desired.

Chinese words translation: Small Round Eyes
Definition: The difference between Round Eyes and Small Round Eyes is that, the Round Eye is longer in length than the Small Round Eye. You can see more space on the sides of the pupil in Round Eye than in Small Round Eye.
Makeup Tips: See Round Eyes

I have shared 7 types of asian eyes, I will share another 7 types on my next post! Stay tune ya!
This post is talking about a Hong Kong movie - SDU: Sex Duties Unit. But the movie name in Malaysia cinema, it change to- SDU: Special Duties Unit.
I have watched this movie with my friends and family at GSC cinema at Paradigm mall last night. This movie is talk about a back seat, the four SDUs interplay are always impressive, full of jargon in-jokes, super wordplay and a delightful display of Macau’s vibrant and sexy nightlife and it marks the directorial of Pang Ho Cheung. In my opinion, this firm is quite funny and I'm enjoyed it.

The poster of the movie.

With my sister and friends-sook yan, ming jun and danz 

Here is the trailer of the movie:

In the end, I am quite enjoyed with the movie and I like to spend the time with my family. ;)

Say Bye to Blackheads! Review: Shills Deep Cleansing Black Purifying Peel-off Mask

Today I'm going to be sharing some steps to remove our blackheads. To be frank I was avoiding it because a lot of blogger do the same and they are good, but since my skin is sorta special (it is every picky) many things won't work on me. I had acne since I was a pre-teen and I still do have acne. I have tried countless of product and 3/4 didn't really work for me. And this is why I decide to share this review because I know a lot of people have the same problem as myself.

The full set of Deep Cleansing Black Purifying Peel-off Mask 
1.deep sebum softener
2.Peel-off mask
3.Clarifying toner.


1.Apply the softener on your cleansed face.
Apply it and massage onto the nose area.
Function: soften our whiteheads and blackheads on our nose.

2.Apply the peel-off mask.

 Take appropriate amount and spread evenly across the nose area. :)
Then wait for 15 to 30 minutes until the mask is completely dry.

okay, I m just too boring while waiting the mask dry.

3. You can start peel off the mask gently from the bottom slowly.  

4.The last step, apply the toner with a cotton. 

Teehee! this is is my result of peel off mask. *happy*

The mask was strong enough to pull out some tiny black heads I had hiding on my nose and chin. I was able to see them stuck on the mask. Overall I'm very impressed. Just as a side note - this mask will also pull out any peach fuzz you may have on your face too! 

Next day of my skin: It's not sore/tender/red at all today. It's just as it is normally except more smooth feeling. All of the redness/soreness I had  (which wasn't a lot to begin with) was 99% gone after about 2 hours. I think the key thing with this mask is you have to be very gentle when you pull it off. But aside from that its very simple.

I don't think this is a mask you should use more then once a week, and even that's a lot. I'm planning on using it when I need it, when my skin is looking a tad dull, or just as a bit of a refresher. I'll probably end up using it once a month or so. 

I really like this mask and would recommend it to people looking for a peel off mask that has good results and it won't kill your pocket book!  :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Skin care tips : 5 Easy Steps to Determine Your Skin Type

Good Morning people! Today I'm going to be sharing some steps to determine our skin type. Why we should determining our skin type? Determine our skin type is absolutely necessary to ensure proper care and treatment of our skin. Knowing our skin type will help us pick the right product s for our skin and helps us to provide the skin with the best care. :D

That's just 5 simple steps! Let's have a try now!


  1. Wash Your Face. Wash with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Remove make-up. This cleans away oils and dirt that may have accumulated during your day, giving your skin a fresh start. Do not over wash though.

        2.  Wait an hour. During this time, your skin should return to its natural state, the 
            characteristics of which will determine your skin type. Act normally and 
            remember please, don't touch your face.

    3.Dab your face with a tissue. Pay attention to the 'T-zone'--the area of your forehead and nose.

  4. Determine your skin type. Skin falls into four types--normal, oily, dry and combination.

  • Normal skin shows neither oil nor flaking skin. It should feel supple and smooth. If you have it, consider yourself lucky :)
  • Oily skin is characterized by the grease on the tissue. It is also common for a person with oily skin to have large pores and a shine. 
  • Dry skin may feel taut or show flakes of dead skin. It is associated with small pores. Moisturizing is important for this skin type
  • Combination skin is most common. It exhibits traits of all three of the above skin types. Usually, the skin is oily in the T-zone and normal to dry elsewhere.

 5.Know what problems your skin might have. There are usually two 'problem' categories that your skin may fall under, as well as your skin type. These two categories are:

  • Sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, your face reacts easily to regular skin products. This means that when you use regular skin products, your face will get red, itchy, or a rash could form.

  • Acne-Prone skin. Even if you're not a teenager, you may still get pimples/acne, especially if you have an oily skin type. If you have acne-prone skin, look around for a good acne products.

Here is the video to show you step to step! *Hope you guys enjoy it!*


Monday, July 22, 2013

Make-up Tips: How to contour & highlight your face

Hi people! Today I'm going to be sharing one of my favourite makeup tricks with you guys which is highlighting and contouring! What is highlighting and contouring you may ask? It's a technique used by nearly every celebrity and model designed to bring light to certain features on your face while creating a shadow effect on others. Essentially, the goal is to create an illusion with makeup that draws attention to specific areas while diminishing the look of others. 

Once you've learned the basics of highlight and contour, you can make your nose smaller, your cheekbones more defined, your eyes brighter, and so much more.  So what are you waiting for? Let's start it! 

Before you can start to highlight and contour, you'll need to prepare some cosmetic to the job.

What you need to prepare?
-Foundation several shades darker than your skin
-Brightening  Primer
-Setting powder

Once you have the cosmetic, you're ready to start highlighting and contouring! Here's a breakdown of all the areas of the face I like to use this technique on, step-by-step: 

- Start by applying your favorite blush. Concentrate the majority of the product on the apples of your cheeks, but also work any leftover product back towards your jawline for a more natural effect. 
- Apply highlighter right above the apples of your cheeks, following the natural line of your cheekbones.
- Create a more defined, angular look by applying contour color to the hollows of your cheekbones. If you're having trouble finding the hollow line, just suck in like you're making a fish face.

Extra Credit- Pull the contour color you just applied up into the sides of your forehead and down onto your jawline. This will create a "3" looking shape with the contour and works wonders to slim out your entire face. 

- Apply highlight color down the very center of your nose. The slimmer the line, the more narrow your nose will look. 
- Use contour color on each side of the bridge of your nose. I like to start from the tip of my nose and work my way up, as I find that makes it easier to ensure a straight line. If you have a bump in your nose or anything else you'd like to recede, be sure to go right over it with your contour product. 
- Blend, blend, blend! I like to blend the contour color down the sides of my nose, just to make sure there are no obvious lines left. 

- To look bright and wide awake, apply highlighter to the inner corners of your eyes and right below your brows. 

TAHDAHHH~! Here is the picture show that how I contour & highlight my face! I am satisfied with the result! (coz the photos are without any editing!)
I like my nose so much after that! ^^v

And there you have it! I like to use this trick all the time, so I'm glad I finally got around to sharing it with you guys! Hope it helped!


Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Right Hairstyle for Your Face Shape

Happy Sunday everyone! Today I would like to write a post about hairstyle. Hairstyle is one of the most important parts of a human which to an extent reflects the personality of the individual. Why is this so important? Simply put, if the wrong hairstyle is created for the wrong face shape, the result is a DISASTERHowever, most people tend to neglect their hair and instead concentrate on their face and physique. They feel that any hairstyle is fine as long as it does not make them look terrible. They might be right that most hairstyles might work out for them. But they do not realize that they are missing out the opportunity to enhance their beauty and personality by not selecting the appropriate hairstyle.

A good hairstylist will just know instinctively what shape will or won't suit you. It is also very important and handy for you to understand face shape suitability as well as it will help you to understand what does and does not work for you and why. It will also help you to communicate better with your stylist and to keep them somewhat honest.

There is a general rule that applies to face shape balancing and it is that you should try to achieve an oval shape, which is the most perfect and pleasing shape to the human eye. To do this, long faces need shortening, just as wide faces need lengthening. It’s really simple!

How To Choose Your Face Shape

Look at a photo of yourself that has the hair off your face and find the best match from the following descriptions and pictures. :)

Here is the picture of different type of face shape. 

Oval Face Shape

  • Curvilinear shape.
  • Length is equal to one and a half times width.
  • The forehead and jaw are the same width.

Oblong Face Shape

  • Face is longer than it is wide.
  • Long, straight cheek line.

Round Face Shape

  • Circular shaped.
  • Length is approximately equal to width.
         Picture of hairstyle for round face shape

Diamond Face Shape

  • Forehead and jawline are narrow.
  • Cheekbones are wide and high.
         Picture of hairstyle for diamond face shape

Heart Face Shape

  • Wide at the forehead and cheekbones.
  • Narrow at the jawline
        Picture of hairstyle for heart face shape    

Square Face Shape

  • Strong and broad forehead.
  • Angular jaw.
       Picture of hairstyle for square face shape

I have found my own face shape after reading this post.So do you know your face shape and how to choose the right hairstyle now? :)

 I think I have oval face shape. It is look like? :P

This is the picture of before and after haircut. 



Is it look nicer after changing my hairstyle? I hope so ;D
Hope you guys can find the right hairstyle for your own face shape after reading this!


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Movie Time : Tales From The Dark: Part 1

Happy weekend everyone! 
This post is talking about a Hong Kong movie -  Tales From The Dark: Part 1.
I have watched this movie with my friends and family at GSC cinema at One Utama last Wednesday. This movie is talk about three ghost related stories and it marks the directorial debut of famous Hong Kong actor Simon Yam. I thought it was one of the better ghost story films I've seen in years. Its a great mix of meaningful and scary.

My friends- Mun keong, Janecy, Jam, Youu & John

The poster of the movie. * I was attracted to it when I saw it in the first time  :P *

  • First story   Stolen Goods 
       The rich will only become richer; the poor will only become poorer ... even in the afterlife.
Humble and obstinate Kwan (Simon Yam) recently loses his job but is reluctant to apply for social welfare. He believes he can earn a living if he works hard. But in an unfair society where prices go up and salary doesn’t, he can barely make ends meet. Realizing the rent of his “coffin”-sized room is overdue, he resolves to stealing urns of the deceased, hoping their heirs would pay to reclaim it. Things don’t go as smooth as he planned ... until one night when an unusual heir calls to arrange the exchange.

Here is some picture in the story.

  • Second story → A Word In The Palm
      On his last day of business, fortune teller Ho (Tony Leung Ka Fai), who is famous for his third eye, is visited by a married couple. The pregnant wife has been feeling unease lately and suspects she’s being haunted. Reluctant to accept the job, Ho directs the case to his neighbor, crystal gazer Lan (Kelly Chen). Meanwhile, an innocent teenage girl stops by Ho’s shop, claiming to be waiting for someone. When the couple leaves Lan’s shop, the girl follows suit, leaving a trail of water as she goes. Ho senses something dubious and teams up with Lan to investigate further, who found out the girl drowned herself a few days ago ...

Here is some picture in the story.

  • Last story→ Jing Zhe 

      One chilly Jingzhe night, veteran villain hitter Chu (Siu Yam-yam) meets an uncommon client, a pretty 20-ish girl (Dada Chan) who pays her to curse 4 villains without knowing their names. Mysteriously, with each cursing ceremony performed delivers a gruesome death of a victim. When it comes to the last victim, or villain, it also unfolds a chilling, intolerable secret.

Here is some picture in the story.

This is a trailer of the movie: 

In the end, I am quite satisfied with the movie. If you haven't watch it, must take it before it be pulled from theaters. ;)